When you decide to put together a self-care routine, remember you don't have to spend a penny. it could be as simple as reading a book, meditating or going for a walk.

Credit: Noelle Australia
Whenever you log on to Instagram and scroll down the timeline, you are constantly bombarded by self-care and wellbeing tips. Every beauty and lifestyle magazines are filled with articles giving people self-care advice.
Since we have been in lockdown, the words on everyone's lips are, 'so what is your self-care routine? Lockdown has helped many of us realise the need for a healthy daily routine that includes putting time aside to unwind and look after our mind, body and spirit.
Like others, I have found myself creating block schedules or downloading wellbeing apps to help me build or sustain a good self-care routine. But the real question is, what is self-care? Is it just putting on a face mask and burning a candle? Or is there more to it?
For many years people have written books on self-care and wellbeing. However, since the lockdown, the self-care conversation has been at its prime.
Credit:@Block Radio- 'Reasoning'- By Tae Rene
Tae- Rene, a creative writer and Radio producer's works is around self-care and wellbeing for women. Using poetry and her radio show called' reasoning 'to promote self-care and healing. Here is what she had to say about the importance of self-care and wellbeing.
"Everyone has a different definition of self -care and wellbeing. For me, it's about unwinding and takes care of your interior and exterior. I believe that If your interior and exterior are well taken care of, then your soul will be healthy."
"I started my very first self-care routine at University. It was a huge change for me as I realised I had to do everything for myself. My dad gave me the book called 'the power of now by Eckhart Toll. It challenged me to look after myself at present."
"During the lockdown, I started to write about self-care in my poetry. Through this, I received positive responses from people, especially women. This encouraged me to practice self-care on a deeper level than just applying face masks. I put together a show on self-care under Block Radio called 'reasoning'. My show looks at self-care and healing on a deeper level."
'My favourite self-care routine is having a bath using fragrance oils." When it comes to self-care, I believe everyone has their own routine. I encourage people to start small and build from there. Also, remember that your self-care routine doesn't have to be the same every day. Today can be a face mask, and tomorrow you could mediate. '
Mariah, a Writer and Creative visionary, tells us about how lockdown helped her build a good self-care routine. During Lockdown, Mariah finished University and began freelancing. Establishing a self-care routine helped her manage to work from home in a pandemic.
"when it comes to wellbeing and self-care, I believe it's more than just applying a mask to your face or burning candles and incents. Self -care can be as little as turning off your phone and meditating.
"I started working from home during lockdown; I began my freelance journey working for an agency. When you are freelancing and working for yourself, you tend to have to work more hours than someone who works a 9-5. This can have adverse effects on your wellbeing. "
So, for me, it was essential to create a weekly schedule that allowed me to see where I had free time. I also decided to write down a list of 3 things I like to do in my spare time, and I implemented them along with the generic self-care routines such as meditation, skincare and exercising.
This helped me avoid burning out and having my body shut down because of the workload.
"When thinking about establishing a self-care routine, I think it's important to understand why you are implementing this into your everyday schedule. It will help you have a consistent routine. They are no right or wrong answers when it comes to self-care. My advice is to do what's best for you."

Credit: @book.club.magic
Lifestyle and beauty bloggers or magazines make us believe that you need to spend money on an effective self-care routine. But self-care can be anything from reading a book, taking a nap or going for a walk. So next time you consider establishing your self-care routine, remember they are no rules. Wellbeing and self-care don't have to include applying a face mask or burning a candle.
Wellbeing and self-care are about taking care of your health. It's about cleansing your mind, body and spirit.